Thursday, August 20, 2009

The best gifts come from Dad

Clay will no longer be working under big lights any more at night. Now, we'll all be on the same schedule again, Yippee! So, to celebrate him not working nights anymore, he decided to bring home a treasure trove of BUGS and other various living things for the girls. I have no idea what this bug is. It was hard to take a picture because he was moving so fast all over the place. It also flies. If you know what it is, we'd love to know so leave us a comment!
Daddy brought home 5 or 6 huge moths. These are the girls favorite. They love to hold them. I know huh, Girls and Bugs?? They were soooo excited when dad got out all the bugs, you would have thought it was Christmas morning.
Special Delivery just from Dad. What could it be??
Alex holding the smaller of the two frogs. These were fun to watch hop around. Then off into the wet grass they went. Hopefully they stick around for a little while. I think I'll leave the porch light on for them tonight so they can eat some bugs.
He was one happy frog once he got to the wet grass.
What are bugs without the beetle. This was a big one. Once he hit the dirt he started digging and before we knew it he was gone! Thanks Dad for all the gifts!


Bev said...

SICK!!!! oooooeeewwwwooowwwwohhh!!
Hey, whadddddda wanna be?
I wannnnnna be an exterminator!

Amy said...

um gross :)don't teach my boy your girly bug loving ways :)