This morning started out as any morning does. I got up at 4:30 am and proceeded to get dressed to exercise. I haven't done this for very long. A couple weeks at the most. When three different people on the same day ask me if I'm pregnant, I know it's time to do something. Sure, it stung a little. After over five years of trying with no success, it's gonna hurt a little. If I could only tell those people thank you. It's their comments that get me out of bed and going at that absurd time in the morning, on summer vacation no less.
Anyways, back to my story. So I get up, get ready and when I come in the living room both girls are on the couch watching t.v., there's not a whole lot on at that hour. Disney had something on so that's what they watched. So......Sydney looks at me and says Mom, (shaking her had a little) is that what you're wearing? I said uh, yes. She says You look ploreable. Ha ha. I look what!!! I said, do you mean horrible? She says, YES!. I said, well Sydney, you look tired maybe you should go to bed. I laughed every time I thought about that comment. Of course, I see why she said it. I don't exercise with makeup, don't curl my hair, don't smell pretty. Horrible is right but in the end it will be worth it. Playing on the floor and not getting winded, not walking like I'm 50 when I'm 30, or being able to always keep up with them is my main goal. I know someday their gonna say, MOM you look great. Until that day comes, and probably even after it comes, I'm gonna try my best to work my buns off!!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
The things kids say!
posted for your blog stalking enjoyment by
Roxy Dozier
10:03 AM
1 blog addicts have left me some lovin!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Summer Fun
Summer has offically arrived at the Dozier house. The pool is up, sunblock is on, and the phone goes unanswered. We may not have the greatest pool, but it sure feels good on a hot day like today. We're all a little pink today but hopefully in a few days it will turn into a tan. I'm so excited to have the kids home all day, to have nothing to do but hang out together and enjoy the sunshine!

Summer vacation is always to short for me. Our first day of school is August 6th. I'm never ready for summer to be over. School always takes the kids away to early. Good thing they have to go to school or we might never get out of the pool!
posted for your blog stalking enjoyment by
Roxy Dozier
9:39 PM
blog addicts have left me some lovin!

Saturday, May 24, 2008
Sydney's last Day of First Grade!
posted for your blog stalking enjoyment by
Roxy Dozier
11:27 AM
blog addicts have left me some lovin!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Littlest Pet Shop
Many people, when the see the playroom, and all the Littlest Pet Shop toys, tend to think...Spoiled kids. The only reason they have a collection as big is they do is, they actually take care of them. There are no heads pulled off, or little brushes chewed up. They play so nice with them. I remember the first time Sydney accidentally pulled a head off one of the little poodles. You would have thought the world was coming to an end, she cried forever. After a few years of collecting and being played with, I can only remember two pets being broken. I was responsible for one of those! My kids may be spoiled, but then so is their mom!
posted for your blog stalking enjoyment by
Roxy Dozier
3:25 PM
1 blog addicts have left me some lovin!

Sportsmanship and kickball
We had planned to leave town on Friday to go spend time with James and Tammy before they left for Montana. They were still busy packing and it had been a long week for us, at the last minute we decided to stay home and leave on Saturday. Then I remembered that there was a Primary activity that morning. I asked the girls if they would like to go and excitedly they said "yes please, mom". How can you say No to that! we went and the activity was kick ball. My kids had never played and I hadn't played in years. We listened as the rules were explained, and we had a brief lesson in sportsmanship. The kids were divided and teams were made and we were off. It was the Hotdogs (mine and Alex's team) against the Pizza (Sydney's team). We had a Great time. I got Sydney out twice! My kids were real troopers. Alex forgot to run to first a few times, Sydney's team was outfield and the ball went to her a few times and she kicked it rather than caught it. It was so funny. You can tell by my kids sports skills I was meant to have girls. They know how to paint their nails, and do laundry and dishes, but to play baseball or play with trucks........forget it! After the Hotdogs won we had sandwiches and juice outside. Sydney said the juice tasted like medicine and Alex loved the sandwiches. On the way home we had a little lesson on how to keep tastes of things we don't like to ourselves. I didn't really enjoy the juice either. Once we got home the girls were telling Clay all about the game and sportsmanship. Sydney said " Mom got me twice and I didn't even cry". Alex was very excited our team had won and was telling Clay about it, she finished and turned to Sydney and said "Sorry my team won you". Talk about a great lesson to teach a child. I'm so glad we went. The morning had been so hectic and if the girls had said they didn't want to go I would have gladly stayed home. I'm so thankful they wanted to go. They still talk about the game and ask me all the time what the new word they learned about was again (sportsmanship). The girls were on separate teams but still had so much fun. They now play kickball with their littlest pet shop characters. Even in the pretend games there is no fighting or crying. Thanks to that little church activity and the sportsmanship of everyone that went, my kids have learned a valuable and unforgettable lesson. Thanks Sister Mauzy!!
posted for your blog stalking enjoyment by
Roxy Dozier
12:48 PM
blog addicts have left me some lovin!

Friday, May 16, 2008
Last Day of PreSchool!!
The last day of preschool for Alex and her friends was so fun!
Sydney spent two years in the preschool for her speech. She has come such a long way. She speaks mostly in complete sentences now and is at grade level in reading. It was almost an over night change with her, one day it just clicked and she's never looked back.
Alex also spent two years in the preschool. She attended because of her lazy eye. Not really a handicap but hey she needed the socialization she got in preschool. They did work on her cutting skills and her hand eye cordination. She had eye surgery a bit ago and her eye seems to be doing much better. It is still not completely straight but much less noticeable. She was such a trooper going into the operating room. Alex still has to wear a patch every day and her glasses but hopefully it won't be for the rest of her life. She is so ready for Kindergarten she can't stand. She was very bored in PreSchool alot of the time. If I hadn't have had a job working in her classroom she probably would have stayed home this year. Her poor Kindergarten teacher, they're going to have one smart cookie on their hands!
This is Christopher. He's the little Autistic boy in Alex's class that I worked with. What a special little spirit. It was always trial and error on what to do with him. You never knew what he would like or what would really upset him and start a crying spell. When he first came to the preschool he walked on all fours, cried alt, didn't say any words, a didn't want to be held. Not to toot my own horn but he has grown SOOOOO much in the little bit of time I have known him. He now says Mama, Dada, up and more. It is so rewarding to see him looking around for me and when hes sees me, to see his face light up! Wow what a feeling. Next year we will have Christopher and his little brother Brendon, who also is Autistic but not to the extent of Christopher. I absolutely love my job and the time I get to spend with some of god's most choice spirits. I wouldn't trade it for the world.
posted for your blog stalking enjoyment by
Roxy Dozier
2:45 PM
blog addicts have left me some lovin!

Monday, May 12, 2008
New to the whole Blog thing.
Hey Everyone! Yep, it's me. I have been biten by the blog bug (thanks to Amie and Linda's cutest blogs ever) I'm sure mine will be nothin compared to theirs but what the heck. Maybe now more of you will get to see the Dozier family on a regular basis! I'm going to keep this one short because I honestly have no idea what I am doing. Let's see how it goes.
Happy Mothers Day! We spent the day at my moms. Church was great and the food afterwards was awesome. Thanks Mom, I love you!
The Kids love to go to Nanas house. They love to wear dresses so Sundays are pretty easy on me.

posted for your blog stalking enjoyment by
Roxy Dozier
5:05 PM
blog addicts have left me some lovin!

girls pics,
Mothers Day 2008
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