Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy Birthday brother!

Happy Birthday to my big brother James. Since we couldn't be in Montana with him to help celebrate, we had to think of another way to celebrate. Why not have an ultrasound!

I had my first ultrasound today. After nearly 10 years of trying to have another little one we've finally been blessed. What a tear jerker it was to hear the tiny but loud heartbeat of our new little one. A sound I had feared I would never again hear from my own belly. Then to see the sweet little baby growing inside up close and personal. The shock and awe of it all set in. I was a blubbering hot mess. I'm so excited, a little nervous, and extremely worried. I wish I had a sonogram machine at home so I could see the baby whenever I wanted and know for sure it is OK. I have to do tons of blood work weekly, tons of doctors appointmentts, and take tons of meds (all of which I have been assured will not effect the baby in any way). All of that can make a mommy super anxious and a little stressed. The minute I hear the heartbeat, it all goes out the window. I can say for sure once again we're having a baby. I'm so thankful that our heavenly father has a plan in store for each one of us. I prayed for years for a new little one to bless our lives. My prayers were answered each and every time, just not in the way I wanted them to be. The answer was always, not right now, maybe later. Heavenly Father knew exactly when a new little one should come down and join our earthly family. I am so grateful our family has once again been blessed. I'm a proud mom and wife and I'm excited for October to come so we can meet our new little one. I hope your day went as well as mine James, Happy Birthday! We love you!

1 comment:

Bev said...

Your blog doesn't update on my sidebar for some reason....and I've missed all these awesome posts!! Sorry...I for sure would leave you comments....you know me....can't shut me up!!