Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Blogging LEAVES you happy!

We had so much fun over Thanksgiving break we forgot to take any pictures!
We had a great time in Phoenix with Mama and Grandma Winckle. The food was excellent, the company was nice to see, and the kids had fun with their cousins.
We have no pictures to remind us of how much fun we had around the dinner table, playing Farkle with Great Grandma, braving the black Friday crowds, or sleeping on the airbed snuggled under lots of blankets!
When we got home, we found that almost every leaf on our tree in the front yard had fallen off. I am working on our annual family calendar and thought a picture in the leaves would be perfect for November.
The girls weren't too thrilled, Clay was at work, and I was freezing. We got a few good ones to put on the calendar. Good thing I went out there and raked up the leaves when I did. The weatherman is calling for wind tomorrow, no more raking necessary. I hope the neighbors don't notice they have a few 100 extra leaves! I saved a garbage bag, the neighbors got extra leaves, and the wind did it's job! Happy Fall!!

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