Sunday, May 16, 2010

Big 31.... wish it was 26!

It's been awhile since I last posted. I'll give you a quick update then on to the best blog post EVER!
So Mother's day came and went. I had a really good Mother's Day. The girls were so sweet and their gifts were a lot of fun. We went to my Moms and hung out with her and Dad and Uncle Will. We played Minute to win it. Have you seen that T.V. show? Well if not, you need to watch it. Now imagine the Stanley bunch playing it. Hilarious right. I'll try to get Clay to make a video of it. Wow, do Stanley's know how to have fun!
After Mothers Day it was back to work. I worked Monday and Tuesday and took Wednesday and Thursday off as personal days. No work and still getting paid is AWESOME!
Ok now for the best blog post ever!! My Birthday was on May 12th, I turned 31. This was by far the best birthday in the history of my world! I'll start by saying, I married an AMAZING guy! Heck, I probably didn't even fully appreciate that fact until now. Ever watch one of those chick flicks and think to yourself, man if only marriage and life could be like that, I'd have everything I ever wanted. It would be perfect. That was my birthday in a nut shell.
Clay took the day off to help me celebrate my birthday! I know!! A whole day with my hubby doing fun things, already a good start huh? I took the girls to school while he slept in (it's his day off it was the least I could do). Then when he woke up we went to Douglas to Walmart. Normally that wouldn't be exciting BUT today it was. Walmart in Douglas was having a huge sale on fabric because they are no longer carrying it. All fabric was 75% off. I know, I almost died too!! I had bought a few prints when it was 50% off. Then my friend called and told me it had moved to 75% off. I had a horrible time sleeping the night before we went. I wanted a good deal too. I told Clay there probably wasn't anything left so we didn't have to go if he didn't want too. Well, he knew me better than that. When we got to Walmart I was a nervous wreck. Did they have any left, was I gonna get some?? We parked and I walked super fast to the material section. Clay turned his back for a second and I had a stack of material by the time he turned back around. He decided we needed a cart. He guarded my treasures while I shopped. After 10 minutes or so he said, Uh Wife, I'm going to have to cut you off now. There were ladies looking through MY stacks. One lady even asked, You're buying all of that? YES!!
I was one happy lady walking out of Walmart with all my goodies for 75% off. Lots of the ladies were discussing (they were in line behind me and my thousands of bolts of fabric, they had nothing else to do) how they were going to hide all this from their husbands. Not me, I left smiling WITH my husband!
I also got a new pool for the summer. We have 6 days of school left. Come May 26th this baby is gonna be set up in our backyard and summer vacation can officially start!! I CAN"T WAIT!! I also got a movie, some jewelry, we went and watched Iron Man 2, had steak for dinner (YUMMY), a super good cake with ice cream, and lots of cards. I loved everything I got but most of all I loved spending the day with Clay. It's not often we get to do that. I felt like a princess the whole day. After almost 12 years of marriage, I'm proud to say I have the best best friend a girl could ask for (glad I married him)! We raced to Douglas, then to Sierra Vista to watch the movie, the home to get the girls, then barbecued beef, had cake, my mom stayed the night. What a day, and he didn't complain once! A full day of doing ONLY what wife wants to do couldn't have been easy. Thanks Clay!!We were all in bed early that night because we had a field trip to the Tucson zoo the next morning. I'll have another birthday and day of the week if you can promise me it will be as good as this one!!


Salvage Chic Lady said...

What a great birthday, husbands generally are really great! Sounds like you had a good birthday...I have a fabric "sickness" too, nothing better. (By the way thanks for the thoughtful mothers day cards!)

The Kleyn Family said...

Yeah for you!!!! I'm so glad you're birthday was everything you could wish for and more...that makes one more year not so bad :) You are such a good wife & mommy....glad you were pampered, you deserve it! Adn the pool??!? Yippee!!!!! Enjoy the fun in the sun!

Bev said...

That Clay, what a guy!! So glad he made your day special cuz you totally deserve it.......and you lucky girl with all that he gets a couple of quilts out of it!!