Friday, September 25, 2009

What have we been up to?

Well, obviously blogging has taken a back seat lately. I'm always thinking about updating, but can't ever find the time to do it (or the self motivation). However, I do find plenty of time to play games on Facebook. Hmmmm, go figure! So........

School started and all the free time went out the window. I love going to school for only four days a week. I think it's tough on the kids but come Friday we are all ready to do something fun together. Monday through Thursday we are running in overdrive. I'm up at 4 AM, partly because one of our bathrooms is being remodeled so I like to get in and out before Clay needs to get ready for work. The girls are up at 6AM and we're out the door at 7:15 (on Wednesday's I have a staff meeting at 7 AM so we have to be out the door at 6:45), school starts at 8 Am. The girls get out of school at 3:30 PM and I get off at 4. Then it's home to do homework and get dinner ready, play for a few minutes, get baths, and get in bed by 8 PM. Like I said Overdrive! It is one hectic 4 day week. Then comes Friday. We usually clean so we can play all day Saturday. This week the house was relatively clean so we get to have fun ALL weekend.

This weekend I'm starting on my second rag quilt. I already made Alex one, now it's time to make Sydney's. Here is Alex's finished quilt.
This is the front. I can't believe I made this! Maybe I did get some of the talented gene after all.
This is the back side. Sydney's is a little different so I'll post pics when I get it done.

I'm sooooo excited. I finally finished a project. I'm so proud!! It was so much fun. I also have plans to make myself a King size quilt for my bed the same style. My mom has also expressed (over and over again), her need to have one too! We'll see. I love reading your blogs and I'm glad to see everyone is doing great. I need to find my blog mojo (as Amie would say) and get back to it!!


Amy said...

I am so stinkin' impressed that you made a quilt!!!! :) I'm so proud of you!!! :)

Susan Vargas said...

I'm jealous - I pieced one just last Saturday and haven't had time to work on it all week. It will go quickly once I get into it, it's just getting the time. . . anyway, I'm so happy you got the 'bug', quilting is so satisfying.

Bev said...

Did Diane teach you how to do that? So cute! Good job and good blog post. Stay out of Farville and into Blogland!

Jeremy and Cindy said...

Very cute! Rag quilts are fun to make and turn out so good. Way to go!