Thursday, May 29, 2008

The things kids say!

This morning started out as any morning does. I got up at 4:30 am and proceeded to get dressed to exercise. I haven't done this for very long. A couple weeks at the most. When three different people on the same day ask me if I'm pregnant, I know it's time to do something. Sure, it stung a little. After over five years of trying with no success, it's gonna hurt a little. If I could only tell those people thank you. It's their comments that get me out of bed and going at that absurd time in the morning, on summer vacation no less.
Anyways, back to my story. So I get up, get ready and when I come in the living room both girls are on the couch watching t.v., there's not a whole lot on at that hour. Disney had something on so that's what they watched. So......Sydney looks at me and says Mom, (shaking her had a little) is that what you're wearing? I said uh, yes. She says You look ploreable. Ha ha. I look what!!! I said, do you mean horrible? She says, YES!. I said, well Sydney, you look tired maybe you should go to bed. I laughed every time I thought about that comment. Of course, I see why she said it. I don't exercise with makeup, don't curl my hair, don't smell pretty. Horrible is right but in the end it will be worth it. Playing on the floor and not getting winded, not walking like I'm 50 when I'm 30, or being able to always keep up with them is my main goal. I know someday their gonna say, MOM you look great. Until that day comes, and probably even after it comes, I'm gonna try my best to work my buns off!!

1 comment:

Amie said...

HA! I had to just laugh out loud when I read this Roxanne! Tonight Alex informed Andy that we should go walking as a family so that "mommy could get rid of her big booty". I nearly spit out all my water I was laughing so hard! Ahhhh, children can help us feel so good about ourselves, can't they! I too must get off my keester and start working out. Mmmmm, now where did I put that motivation???
P.S. Glad you figured out how to put music on! I love all your tunes!