Friday, June 10, 2011


I'm following my doctors orders. I'm supposed to get plenty of rest, take a vacation from house work and RELAX. So I was on the couch relaxing with my eyes closed when the thought occurred to me, I should make me a new quilt to get cozy with. That way if any visitors come they won't notice my bloody eye or my looks since I can't wear makeup yet, they'll just notice my super cute quilt.
Mission accomplished! I finished it just in time for my afternoon nap!

I'm off to close my eyes for awhile a follow my doctors orders! I can't remember if I mentioned this little fact or not..... but,



Amy said...

This one rivals the cuteness of the pink one! Good job! :)

Anonymous said...

Very nice! Now, go rest... Debbie

The Kleyn Family said...

Ooooohhhh....that is so fancy!! Hope you're feeling better!