Saturday, May 21, 2011

Little Brother builds a Big house.

Today we spent the day at Dad's house. We hiked out down to the South 40 to help Uncle Will on his new house.The cement was poured last week and the framing begins next week! Will has awesome taste and is a clean freak so his house is going to be amazing I'm sure. From the real granite counter tops to the custom bathrooms this guy is going to have him a house!
I of course was in charge of supervising and getting sunburned. Supervision complete, check. Sunburned, Check. My job here is done!

Will and my Dad work well together. My Mom gave the girls the box from one of the tanks. They didn't come outside all day. When we called it a day and went inside, they had a cool little fort complete with a "Boys Ceep Out" sign.

Tanks are in, one little leak, not a whole lot of tool throwing, and lunch provided by Will and we had a pretty great day! One of these days we'll build a house. Good job Will!

1 comment:

todd said...

I love Will and for sure his house is going to be outstanding!!