Monday, June 14, 2010

MINUTE TO WIN IT (Stanley Style)

Apple stack! If you haven't ever seen this T.V. show, you're missing out on a rip roaring good time. We had so much fun playing this game together.
We're hooked. I like it because it's a game that anyone can play. Most of the items you need to play are common household items.
Everyone, young or old, gets in on the action.
It's our new favorite family reunion game to play. We played it for Mother's Day, we played it for Whoop Up Days, and we can't wait to play it again!

This picture is kind of dark. Will has taken a few sips out of his soda can and made the can balance on it's side. Good job Will!
MINUTE TO WIN IT, play it now!


Bev said...

Hey, I wanna play! Next time you're here we'll get everyone around close and party and play it. K? Promise!!

Sarah said...

Sounds like you guys had a really great trip. It makes me want to go to Montana. Minute to win it family style looks super fun.