Tuesday, March 16, 2010

We got our blog book!!

I can only say one word.......FINALLY! It was like forever ago that I got the blog book making info from Amie. It took me this long to get my book done. It didn't take me this long because it was hard, I just had to sit down and take a minute and do it.We love our book. You forget the things that can happen in a year. I wish I had a blog going when my kids were little. We look at this book all the time. This is our 2008 blog book.
I already have the 2009 blog book on the drawing table. I'm so excited to get it printed as well. This is what got me back into the blogging mood. I didn't want to forget anything about the kids and our fun family life.
2010 is shaping up to be a very blog worthy year. Now, when I die there won't be any fighting over our family blog book. As long as I make an even number of books then the girls will have nothing to fight about!If any of you are considering making your blog into a book, all I can say is DO IT!


Bev said...

Oh, I love it!!! Turned out sooo good! Now I've gotta get one done too! Thanks for the kick in the behind....I need to get started.....

James and Tammy Stanley said...

hey what is the website you did your book through? I want to do mine so I don't lose it