Thursday, February 25, 2010

Grandpa Holyoak's Birthday Bash!

I've been trying to make a blog book for 2008. It's looking really good. The last part of 2009 and the first part of 2010 are looking pretty pathetic. If I want to make a blog book every year, like a journal, I need to get crackin! Here is the first important thing that happened in 2010, a little late but definitely blog worthy
My Grandpa Holyoak turned 88 on January 10, 2010. I know, a little late to be celebrating the big event. I just happen to wonder if there was anything on my memory card in my camera. I haven't used it in forever. Look what I found. Birthday pictures. The family had a party for grandpa on the 9th of January (which was also Clay's birthday and the poor guy had to work and we went to Phoenix, he had to celebrate all by himself.).
The Holyoak's. My mom (Charlotte), Aunt Bev, Uncle Hoke, and Uncle James. The birthday boy is up front. I tell you what, those Holyoak's sure know how to have a shindig! It was so much fun seeing all the extended family.
Here's the whole crew (the ones that could make it. There weren't to many missing, a few came in later that day). It was fun to see all my cousins and their kids.
Here's all the grandkids and great grandkids. Grandpa was very happy to see them all. He worked really hard to learn all their names and spend a little time with each of them.
My Mom, Grandpa Holyoak, and Lavina.
Me and Grandpa. His scooter is hard to pose around but this is as good as it got. I don't get up to Phoenix to see him as much as I should anymore, so it was really nice to be able to spend some quality time with him.
Alex and Sydney with their Great Grandpa. I didn't have the chance to know my Great grandparents so I think it's really special that they still have him in their lives. They have two Great Grandmas, and two Great Grandpas still living today.
The awesome Stanley family. We missed having James and Tammy with us but we understand the distance doesn't make it easy to come down often.
Happy 88th Birthday Grandpa, and Happy 35th Birthday Clay. We love you guys!
Now hopefully I can keep blogging the important events in 2010 so we can have a book full of memories by the end of the year.


Sarah said...

Good luck with the blog book! It is about time you updated. Love all the pics.

Salvage Chic Lady said...

I'm glad to see you blogging again too, you always have such fun things to post! Keep up the good work.

Bev said...

Good job!! How the heck are you making a blog book? That's what I wanted to do.....but I was looking for someone to do it and make it into a journal. Do you know how or do you know someone I call hook up with?
So glad you're back in the swing of things!!!
That was a fun party, FOR SURE!!