Monday, May 25, 2009

Visit with Grandma.

Our first road trip of the summer. We went to Phoenix this weekend to visit with Grandma. She was in town from Missouri for 10 days. As soon as school let out, we were on the road! I'm so glad the girls had a chance to visit with their Great Grandma. We missed Colin and Amy and baby Harrison. Clay's sisters and their children also came to visit with Grandma. We had a very full house with lots of kids. My kids had a good time playing with their cousins and can't wait to do it again!
We're all spread out so we don't get to see each other very often. When we do get together it is definitely a party. We have plenty of food, drinks, snacks and of course staying up gaming!
My girls love each other very much. They always get along and very rarely do I ever have to tell them to be nice to each other or to stop fighting. I do know that they do get a little bored of only playing with one another. I have never seen Alex play for so long with other kids as she did with her cousins. She didn't even notice when Sydney wasn't playing too.
They played from sun up to sun down with each other. They played dress up, read books, played piano, played with baby kittens (that's a whole nother post in itself. A stray cat had kittens in Grandma's backyard under her fountain, not what she wanted at all!), and ate plenty of brownies to name a few things. The kittens were definitely the highlight of the weekend for the kids. They were always wanting to play outside and try to find the kittens. Those poor little things, I think they'll be traumatized for life after dealing with all those kids! I even saw the mommy cat on the back fence trying to convince her babies to climb the wall and go some where safer not to mention more quiet.
Clay spent most of the day with Grandpa truck shopping. They did find one (I'm so jealous!). It's a brand new Toyota Tacoma quad cab. Just what I want. We may be looking in the next few months.....Yay! Clay had a great visit with Grandpa while escaping all the noise and drama a house full of women and kids can bring with them.
The piano was also a HUGE hit. The girls (and boys) had such an awesome time plinking away on the keys. Victoria even brought one of her lesson books and since Grandma's piano has stickers for the notes on the keys, the girls got pretty good at playing a few songs.

All in all it was a whirl wind of a weekend but we all had a great time. We can't wait to see our cousins and family again soon. One summer road trip down.......many more to go!


Anonymous said...

NOW a road trip to see Uncle james in Montana!!!!! YIPPPEEEEE!!!!!

Love Ya, James

Tara said...

Love your pictures too! I hope to come back down again during the summer but we will have to see. Summer months are slow with my business and money is tight but I will let you know.