Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Toothfairy and tears!

I bet you can't guess who came to see us last night! Yep, that's right. The Tooth fairy! Alex finally lost her first tooth. She'll be 7 this year. Isn't that kind of late to lose your first tooth? Sydney was the same way. Sydney was the only kid in her Kindergarten class that didn't lose a tooth.
It's really hard to even tell she lost a tooth. Her two permanent bottom front teeth have been in for awhile but her baby ones never fell out. My dad was just commenting this weekend on how she probably needed them pulled. Then out one pops (with some help from mom and a little crying from Alex)! The other baby tooth is really loose so it'll probably come out today. Once again just like Sydney. I think Sydney lost about 5 in a week. She hasn't lost any since but she sure cleaned out the tooth fairy. Alex got four dollars from the tooth fairy. She was so excited to get something from the tooth fairy she wanted me to pull the other loose on right away (she chickened out though)What a lucky girl!


Tara said...

Victoria was the same way. She didn't loose any teeth until she was 7 as well. She didn't even have any signs of other ones growing in but get this. As soon as they were pulled the teeth grew in 2 days afterwards. It was weird and quick. Congrats Alex from getting visited by the tooth fairy lucky girl!

Amie said...

Four dollars for one tooth!!! I'll send my kids' teeth to your house for the tooth fairy there! :) Alex hasn't lost any teeth yet. He's five and a half. The dentist says he won't any time soon either! It frustrates him that he's the only one in class that hasn't lost one yet!!! I'm getting such a KICK out of that dog of yours jumping on the trampoline with you guys. What a funny thing!!!