Saturday, February 28, 2009

My 10 B's

"B" ready for some fun!!

My Aunt Bev was playing this game on her blog and I signed up to play. If you want to play, leave me a comment and I will assign you a letter of the alphabet. Then you post 10 things you love... that all start with that letter.

My letter was.......

Benson, Monson, Hinckley, Smith. Just to name a few. We are so blessed to have Prophets who are called of god to give us direction in these latter days. It's always amazed me at how in tune with our Heavenly Father these men are. Whether it be their talks in conference, articles in the Ensign, or just the way they live their lives. It's not hard to listen and obey these great men when you know they have your eternal progression in mind.

BROTHERS! I am so thankful for my brothers. We may not have always seen eye to eye but looking back on our childhood....... we had fun. I always wanted a sister. Now that I look back, I doubt very much that playing princess and wearing hand me down clothes would have been much fun. Instead, I got to build forts, play muscle men, rabbit hunt, play smear the guy with the ball, learn wrestling moves and do push ups during commercials. Yes, I'm sure, if it wasn't for having brothers I wouldn't be the strong, and non prissy person I am today. I love you guys!
Blogging! I'm not sure who I have to thank for getting me started on this whole blogging thing. I'm pretty sure it was Amie and Linda (because theirs was so darn cute and informative). I'm proud to say I am a blog addict, for posterity's sake of course! Everything I do, every day I think "Hey, I could blog this". I don't have the most exciting life's mine and I love sharing it! I love everyone that shares their life with me too. I've reconnected with people from years past by blogging, I've stayed in contact with high school friends, and I've journaled things I would have otherwise forgotten about. Imagine, my children growing up not knowing their mother was a Strep throat pink eye magnet! That would be tragic!!

BONZO. My baby, my best friend, my cat! The best friend and pet I have ever had (besides Angus), and whom I miss the most.

Broccoli! I love broccoli. My favorite way to eat broccoli is steamed with a little salt and pepper.... Yummy! My kids love, love, love to eat their Trees!

Board games! Who doesn't love a good game of Candy Land! I don't remember playing many board games growing up, besides the occasional Monopoly game (that lasted FOR-EV-ER ) or chess match. Once we started dating and bringing friends over after high school we made it a weekend tradition to play Mexican Train with as many people around the table as we could fit. It was always snack time at the Stanley's!
Black Bean Soup, is a family favorite of ours. It's so easy to make, and warms you up on a cold day. We like to make it in the summertime too. I throw it in the crockpot, cook it, let cool, break out the grated cheese and the tortilla chips. You have one Yummy snack!
BEACH! Who doesn't love the beach! I don't get to see the beach as often as I would like. I envy those who get to live right by the beach. The sounds..... the smells..... the sand...... the tans...... the water. I LOVE THE BEACH!
Babies! they can cry, they can spit up, they can sleep, they can poop..... I'll still love every minute I get to spend with them. I'm one of those annoying people that LOVE to hold, and talk to, and touch, and babysit any baby I can! How in the world I got blessed with ONLY two I will never know. I'm so looking forward to all my nieces and nephews that my sister in-laws can have! Need a good babysitter, call Aunt ROXY!
Birthdays! Not the whole getting older part but the cake and ice cream and presents part. I love to open presents. I love to give presents. I love to wrap presents. I've tried to teach my kids the shake and listen technique for their Christmas presents but they could care less. My Christmas presents are never wrapped until Christmas Eve because Clay won't let me shake them! I don't mind getting older every year as long as there are plenty of presents to keep my mind off my age.

Happy "B" Day! So there you have it. My 10 favorite B things. If you would like to play (and I hope you do) leave me a Comment and I'll assign you a letter. It was a little tough but fun. I look forward to seeing your 10 favorite things.


Garner Family said...

Okay so I guess I am signing up to play. Let me know what I have to do! Miss ya lots.

Nora said...

ok give me a letter. why not spill some beans about me?

Susan Vargas said...

Assign me a letter, I'll see if I can come with ten things - ha!

Amy said...

Hey! I want to play too!!