Monday, November 3, 2008

Baby Araya's Blessing

Once again.......blogger is being picky. I wanted the last picture first but because it was saved as a higher number on my computer it has to go last. Whatever, you still get to see it so who cares about order I guess. We went to Araya's blessing in Benson on Saturday. It was so nice that Clay actually had the day off and could go with us. I can't even remember when the last time my Aunts and Uncles had seen him.
The girls were so excited to have a new little cousin. We don't get to see any of our cousins much, but when we do it sure is a fun time. This was the first girl baby for Tammy's side of the family and the third girl grandchild for our side. We love little girls!

We don't get to see Will all that much either so it was great to see him there. Our family has always been pretty close but since James lives in another state and we all work so much it's been pretty hard to get together. I asked Clay if he wanted to hold Araya (I felt like a baby hog but I know of at least one person, not naming any names, that held her WAY more than me), and he said No thanks, I've held a baby before. I think he was just being nice because he knows how much I LOVE babies.

So, yes, I did get to hold her. What a beautiful little girl. I love her hair color, her little cry, everything about her. I can't believe how much she looks like James did when he was a baby. I was more than happy to hold her whenever I got the chance. Wow, did holding her really make me want to have a baby (that's a whole nother blog). I did get a little tired of being asked when we were going to have another one. Just to set the record straight, we've been trying for six years, I don't want to have to take drugs to get one, and there have been many bumps along the way that have made me thankful that we didn't have another child to care for at the time. Anyways, like I said......A whole nother blog.

James and Tammy are awesome parents. I didn't get to spend a whole lot of time with them, but I can tell they are. I always knew James would be an awesome Dad. Tammy seemed to handle everything so well. I remember my kids blessing days and I was stressed and frazzled and going crazy. Tammy wasn't. She seemed very calm and collected. Araya was perfect for her big day, slept through the whole thing like an angel. What a great day for little Araya. We can't wait to see everyone again. Thanks Aunt Debbie for sending pictures. I put them to good use right away!


The Kleyn Family said...

So sad we couldn't come, so thanks for the pictures. It was fun seeing every thing, even if it was on a blog.

Anonymous said...

It was so nice to see everyone. You're welcome for the pictures!

Amie said...

Roxanne! I love your hair! The one of you holding the baby is so cute! You're so Bea-U-tee-ful!!! Congrats to James!!! I full heartedly agree with you, babies come when they are supposed to. A lot of times we feel frustrated when they don't (or sometimes when they do unexpectedly) but as time passes I have always been able to look back and know that it all happened just as it should.
All your costumes were awesome! A hippie with a pitch fork...sounds about right to me! :)

Chalice said...

Cute pictures. I still haven't seen you in person with your dark hair. Tell the girls hello!!

Brad and Alliene said...

We were just down the hall at Jayse Burkett's baptism - how funny. Tammy & Devin said they had to leave to go to a baby blessing - now I know. She is a cutie! Makes me want one, too! We saw Clay's mom and David at Time Out for Couples last week. So funny to run into people we knew/know. It was really good, too.