Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I marvel at the miracle of America, the land which the God of Heaven long ago declared to be a land choice above all other lands. I love America for her great and brawny strength, I love her for her generous heart. I love her for her tremendous spiritual strengths. She is unique among the nations of the earth - in her discovery, in her birth as a nation, in the amalgamation of the races that have come to her shores, in the strength of her government, in the goodness of her people. God bless America, for she is His creation. ~President Gordon B. Hinckley
Growing up, the Fourth was always a big deal in our family. Not only was it my Dad's birthday but it was always celebrated together as a family. The parades and water fights, the fun activities and cookouts, the fireworks and annual dance. We did it all together. I never really thought about why it was so celebrated, I just knew it was summertime and the family was together.
The more my kids grow up, the more I come to realize that we live in a blessed nation and we live a very blessed life. If not for all those men and women long ago that fought for their country, I would have no country to call my own. If not for all the men and women today, who still fight for their country and their freedom, my children's future would be at stake. If not for their service and dedication, I would not enjoy the things I do today. This may sound really selfish, I am so thankful my husband does not HAVE to serve in the armed forces. I really admire those who do, but it is so nice to have my husband home safe every night. Thank you Tara, for supporting Josh while he is gone over seas, so that your brother and my husband can stay home with me and our children. Thank You Josh for serving your country.
We were in sierra Vista the other day and a guy in Army clothes was sitting eating his lunch close to us. Alex asked, why do they always wear those clothes? We had a little lesson on what the Army does and why we need one. I told them, if that man had not signed up to protect us, Dad may have too. Sydney was very upset, she did not want her Daddy going far away, or getting hurt. I explained to them that he wasn't going anywhere, but if he had to he would to protect us. Long story short, we were leaving and the girls stopped and told the Army man thank you. They gave him a hug and talked for a minute then we left him to finish his lunch. We decided to pay for his meal without him knowing, our own little way of saying Thank you. It's the least we could have done for him. If we could do something for all the men and women serving our country, we would. I am so very grateful to live in this free country. I am grateful for all the men and women who serve their country.
It will always be my Dad's birthday on the Fourth of July. It will always be an exciting holiday to me. It will always be a time of laughter and fun, family and friends. This year it will also be a time of thankfulness and gratitude. Happy Birthday Dad. Have a safe and Happy Fourth everyone!


Anonymous said...

I cry every time I read your blog. You do so well @ writing how you feel. You are a very special daughter and your girls are the best. You have done a great job as a wife & mom and the best as a daughter. Its nice to talk to you EVERY day. I love you Your the BEST. Love mom

Amie said...

Wow Roxanne! I have missed out on a LOT of Dozier happenings! I did try your suggestion and opened your blog through Explorer rather than FireFox. It worked! I'm sorry about the Strep at your house. That is NO fun. After kids have been sick it takes a while for them to stop being whiney all the time and be themselves again! Cool about the "germ" lesson. I wish my kids could go to one of those! They need it! Also loved the ode to independence day, it almost made me cry. You are quite the writer Miss Roxanne! Have a GREAT day swimming!