Last weekend we went to the farmer's market. There was a booth that was giving away hummingbird feeders with food to go in them. The man at the booth told us that this particular company had donated thousands of feeders and food to help birds that had been displaced by our recent fires.
We had been looking for a feeder a few days prior so we were super excited to get one, and free for no less! The weekends always speed by so we didn't get the feeder up right away.
Alex was reminding me that we needed to put it up and Clay jumped up and said he would help her right then. Last night we finally got it filled with food and put up. This morning the porch was alive with thirsty little hummingbirds. I had always seen them from behind a closed window. These little guys were so close and humming away. I thought our cooler was squeaking or something but the noise was the hummingbirds outside.
This is one of the best free things we've ever gotten. Now, not only do I get to watch my swallows and listen to my wind chimes, I also get to relax and watch hummingbirds from the comfort of my own front room!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Free is good
posted for your blog stalking enjoyment by
Roxy Dozier
7:54 PM
blog addicts have left me some lovin!

Monday, August 29, 2011
Cassius has the girls wrapped around his little paw, me included. He used to be content laying on the kitchen floor on his blanket. He was so happy to be inside. He was out of the weather, away from the flies and birds that bother him. He was inside with his family.
Well, he doesn't like the kitchen anymore. He wants to be with us. He can't just look at us from across the room, he has to be right by our side. Me being the push over I am, I always give into his whining and his sad little puppy dog eyes. He always stays on his blanket and he's very obedient so I guess I don't really mind if he is inside. The family seems much happier when everyone is present and accounted for.
In case you forgot.... We LOVE our dog!
P.S Happy Birthday Uncle Will!
P.S Happy Birthday Uncle Will!
posted for your blog stalking enjoyment by
Roxy Dozier
7:39 PM
blog addicts have left me some lovin!

Friday, August 26, 2011
If you give a girl sunflower seeds...
..... she'll use them to spell her name out on the kitchen table. Then she'll call you from your housework to take a picture. If you take a picture of a sunflower seed name, chances are you'll go back to your housework shaking your head and muttering, silly girl.
After returning to housework and being inattentive to your children, chances are good that you'll be called away again before the day is done.
Just so happens, while Mom is busy kids do play. I find them hours later, still at the table, snacking on sunflower seeds and playing Clue with Littlest Pet Shop animals. Housework is finished now it's time to go enjoy my silly girls!!
posted for your blog stalking enjoyment by
Roxy Dozier
7:19 PM
blog addicts have left me some lovin!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011
New Friends.
We have some new neighbors. The boys in the picture moved two doors down from us. We know them from school. They are the nicest boys ever! I'm so glad the girls have new friends to play with. The boys are so polite and nice. I'm one of those Mom's whose kids will never come play at your house but kids are always welcome at our house. I want our house to be the hang out house as my kids get older. I love hearing the girls giggling and having a good time. You would think, after a long day working at the school I'd be tired of kids when I got home. Not so! That's my calling in life I guess, always be a kid with my kids!
The boys have pets. They like to bring them over to visit while they play. They like our grass. They even go for rides in the wagon and jump on the trampoline with the kids!
When the boys first started coming over, they were terrified of our dog and chickens. They're getting used to them the more they come over. We still chain Cassius up or bring him inside when they come over or else he would hog the trampoline. We also lock up the chickens. The boys are worried their pets might get eaten.
We love new friends. Since the girls don't have a brother to stand up for them and protect them, I'm glad we have lots of boys for friends that can do the job if needed. Thanks boys!
posted for your blog stalking enjoyment by
Roxy Dozier
7:01 PM
blog addicts have left me some lovin!

Sunday, August 21, 2011
Termites and best friends.
We spent the day looking at Uncle Will's house. Aunt Bev came down to get decorating ideas to help him out. I'm a bad blogger, no pictures of Aunt Bev or Will's new house. I did however get pictures of Termite columns in Will's front yard.
I thought they were sticks standing in the dirt that rain had uncovered. I was wrong. Nana and the girls had fun stomping the columns down.
After a long, hard day or termite stomping Sydney and her best friend hung out. Not only was it storming out and Cassius was whining to come in but I had a little girl whining for her best friend to be let in. What a spoiled dog!
posted for your blog stalking enjoyment by
Roxy Dozier
6:49 PM
blog addicts have left me some lovin!

Friday, August 19, 2011
Little Bunny Foo Foo......
Gets nabbed by Mr. Hawk.
I was outside this morning playing with Cassius when I hear a hawk screech. I look up and it's just landed on the telephone wires right outside of our back fence. I ran inside, got the girls and my camera, and snapped a very blurry photo. Just then some swallows started attacking the hawk, he must've been too close to their nest. Then Cassius starts bouncing around wanting to play and he scares off the hawk before I can snap a better picture. Alex thought it was super cool! It was a huge hawk. Poor little bunny foo foo. Can you see the bunny hanging there?
posted for your blog stalking enjoyment by
Roxy Dozier
5:51 PM
blog addicts have left me some lovin!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Work buddies are the best!
Once again Clay's work buddy, Matt, has given the girls some of the best gifts ever. They were so excited to come home from school and find new books! Matt made a long day of school work, a good day!
To show Matt how thankful we are for the books, we decided to paint him pictures. Sydney went with the ever popular Red Eyed Tree Frog. I think she did an excellent job!
Alex.....oh my! Yes, my darling little girl decided to paint a picture of a fly and some poo. If that doesn't just scream Thank you, I don't know what will! Hopefully Matt likes it.
I, not having an artistic bone in my body, stuck with the basics, headless ladybug, caterpillar, and butterfly. Yeah, my kids are waaay better artists than me.
posted for your blog stalking enjoyment by
Roxy Dozier
6:54 PM
blog addicts have left me some lovin!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011
I love surprises!
We took our time getting home today from school. No hurry to get dinner done and sit and visit about our day. I knew Clay went in at noon today, that means he wasn't awake when we left this morning and he won't get off till we're already in bed. A day without seeing Dad is a sad day indeed! We walk in the front door and what do we see? (No, not popcorn popping)....
Awww, melt our heart! The house didn't even stink because of the tuna lovin guy. Made me just about cry. I love being left little notes. The girls liked it too.
They did exactly what Dad asked them too. They did their homework, played with the dog, and even cleaned up after themselves. It's amazing what a sweet little note can do to three girls!
posted for your blog stalking enjoyment by
Roxy Dozier
5:01 PM
blog addicts have left me some lovin!

Friday, August 12, 2011
The Toe!
Everyone knows just how strong I am! I'm on numerous speed dials for my muscles. When people are moving and need help with heavy lifting, I'm the first person they think of. I'm so strong that I can break bones!! Just so happens I broke Clay's toe yesterday. I'm so buff I didn't even know it. He must be so proud of me as his wife, being so strong and all.
I broke it early in the morning yesterday. He went off to work, hiked up mountains, stayed all day, and showed his buddies what his amazing wife did to him. I come home from school and he shows me his purple, swollen toe. What the heck happened?, I say. YOU broke my toe says he, none to happy. WHAT?? Yeah, remember when you put that chair by the desk last night? Well this morning, at 4:15, in the dark, trying to find the light switch, I kicked it and stubbed my toe!! YOU broke my toe! Well don't I feel buff now. I feel bad, but dang, I AM STRONG! I asked if I needed to move the chair. Clay said no, he won't be forgetting any time soon that it's there. Reminds me of the story In a dark dark wood....... Whooooooo's got my toooooooe, but in the case it should be wifey broooooke my toooooe!
posted for your blog stalking enjoyment by
Roxy Dozier
7:46 AM
blog addicts have left me some lovin!

Monday, August 8, 2011
First day of school!
School started today. The girls were very excited to get back to school and see all their friends. Daddy had to work so he missed out on waking them up and all the picture taking. My camera stinks so the pictures are a little fuzzy. It was definitely a Kodak moment!
Alex is in 3rd grade this year, and Sydney is in 5Th grade.
Alex has Mrs. Delgado. The same teacher Sydney had when she was in 3rd grade. She's an excellent teacher. Alex has a great group of kids in her class this year. I'm sure it will be a fun year of learning.
Sydney has Mrs. Torres again. She taught 4Th grade last year and moved up to 5Th grade this year. I'm so glad! She's a great teacher. Sydney was so excited to have her again! Sydney also has some really good kids in her class. I'm so glad the girls will be well taken care of.
When the girls came to the library after school they were excited but tired. Sydney already had homework! She did all her homework while she waited for me to get off of work. She also shelved books, what a great helper!
posted for your blog stalking enjoyment by
Roxy Dozier
4:59 PM
blog addicts have left me some lovin!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Haircuts and Cousins!
School starts in 6 days. I figured it was time to get the girls their back to school haircuts. It turned out their cousins from Las Vegas, Victoria and J.J., were visiting their Grandma this week in St. David. I called and asked if they could come get haircuts with us. We met at the salon in Benson. I planned on taking before and after pictures but for some reason my cameras batteries had been removed!
After haircuts we went to the park to play for an hour or so. On the way there we stopped by a gas station and picked up some drinks, snacks, and of course batteries!!
After the park we went and hung out at my Dad's for awhile. The kids played outside in the sand. They made a cool sandcastle city but I didn't get a picture of it. They pet the horse, ran around with the dogs, chased the chickens, gathered eggs, and played with the cats. J.J. got a big kick out of Bonzo. He laid on the floor by her and every time he touched her tail she would twitch it away. He'd laugh, he has the cutest little laugh. The picture looks like he's sleeping by the cat but he's just pretending.
While they were outside building sandcastles they dug up a baby frog. It was so cute and tiny. We went down to look at Will's new house and when we came back the frog was out of the jar jumping all over the house. J.J. finally trapped it under the jar. We let the feisty little guy go outside after that!
Then I took my Dad and the kids out to eat. We went to Denny's. We all ordered breakfast. We must have all been really hungry because when we left there wasn't anything left on the plates except for a few grapes. It was so much fun to see J.J. and Victoria. Since they live in Las Vegas we don't get to see them that much. It made the last week of summer vacation extra special!
posted for your blog stalking enjoyment by
Roxy Dozier
8:34 PM
blog addicts have left me some lovin!

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