Friday, October 31, 2008
Halloween Fun
Happy Halloween!! We had so much fun. We dressed up for the occasion of course!
Sydney was a Mad Hatter and Alex was the sweetest devil I've ever met. We've had their costumes since way before Halloween so I was glad they didn't change their minds on what they wanted to be. Alex wanted to be a devil just because she wanted the pitch fork that came with the costume. Little did she know, there's no weapons allowed at school. When we went trick or treating the devil carried the pitch fork to the first house and from then on it was the hippie's turn to carry it. Just another learning experience for next year. NO ACCESSORIES!
The kids and I wore our costumes to school. Bad idea to be a hippie when you work with K thru 3rd graders. All day I heard.......What are you dressed up as??..........Are you an alien?........Are you a clown??..............What are you supposed to be?? Another great lesson for next year. I think I'll be Captain Crunch next year, every kid knows him right?, maybe even the kool-aid man.........Oh Yeah!
Alex was too funny. We went trick or treating in the neighborhood then made it back home to pass out candy to the tons and tons of people that come every year. When we got back I told her she could have one thing from her bag and then no more for the rest of the night. Out of her whole bag she picks an APPLE! Is this normal? I think not!
Sydney went trick or treating to a few close friends in the neighborhood. Alex wanted to get every house. Sydney did not. Dad took Sydney home to pass out candy ( her favorite thing to do, again not normal. liking to give candy more than get.....huh??) Alex and I got the rest of the doors knocked on and then went back home to help.
posted for your blog stalking enjoyment by
Roxy Dozier
10:14 PM
blog addicts have left me some lovin!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Carvin' it up!
Wow, did we have some fun. Now, I need to explain this picture a little bit. Not only because I look like a dork but so you don't think I'm singing or something. Clay was taking pictures (just a million or so), to document the carving event. He kept asking us to say Happy Halloween. After the millionth time I was soooooo ready to be done with the whole carving thing. He thought it was pretty funny.
The girls had a great time. I mean, what's not fun about it right? You get to slice and dice a pumpkin, scoop out SLIMY gross insides, and see your wonderful finished product. I'm surprised they got them done before nightfall, with all the giggling and laughing that was going on!

The girls got to draw their face and Daddy helped them cut them out. Apparently I don't know how to cut into a pumpkin, I have been further released from my job as pumpkin carver. Something to do with the way their hats were done? I still maintain the scooping out job (oh yeah, my favorite part...........not).

I think Sydney was trying to make hers look like a cat. I can see it, can't you? I kept telling her to turn the pumpkin so I could see it and she would lift it higher. This is what we got!

For some reason blogger wouldn't let me switch the first and last pictures. So now we've gone full circle, just a little backwards. Here is the beginning when everyone is having a jolly old time and very excited to be doing something. By the end of this adventure we all had a few close calls with mosquitoes, orange guts all over us, and we were ALL ready to be done with it! Soon I'll post our Halloween pictures. I'm glad it only comes once a year, I'm worn out and we haven't even gone Trick or Treating yet! Happy Halloween everyone!!
The girls got to draw their face and Daddy helped them cut them out. Apparently I don't know how to cut into a pumpkin, I have been further released from my job as pumpkin carver. Something to do with the way their hats were done? I still maintain the scooping out job (oh yeah, my favorite part...........not).
I think Sydney was trying to make hers look like a cat. I can see it, can't you? I kept telling her to turn the pumpkin so I could see it and she would lift it higher. This is what we got!
For some reason blogger wouldn't let me switch the first and last pictures. So now we've gone full circle, just a little backwards. Here is the beginning when everyone is having a jolly old time and very excited to be doing something. By the end of this adventure we all had a few close calls with mosquitoes, orange guts all over us, and we were ALL ready to be done with it! Soon I'll post our Halloween pictures. I'm glad it only comes once a year, I'm worn out and we haven't even gone Trick or Treating yet! Happy Halloween everyone!!
posted for your blog stalking enjoyment by
Roxy Dozier
3:38 PM
blog addicts have left me some lovin!

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Happy Birthday Alex!!
Our little Punkin turned six yesterday. I can't believe my baby is six!! Where does the time go?? Just yesterday she was being brought home from the hospital. It snuck up on me, I have no idea how that happened. For her class treat Alex wanted to make dirt. We decided to make it a little bit scary. We threw in some eyeballs, some teeth, and of course some worms! The kids loved it.
Daddy had yesterday off so he was kind enough to spend the ENTIRE DAY at school with his little Punkin! I was at the school too, but who cares where Mommy is when Daddy's around. Alex was a little grumpy to start the day off with, then Daddy walks in. She was on cloud nine the rest of the day!

This was my favorite picture of the day. I love the way her little foot is cocked. You may think she is posing but she's not. The little miss priss stands like this a lot!

One of her favorite birthday presents. Her Huly Hoop (as she calls it). Nana gave it to her. We even got Daddy and Papa in on the Hula Hooping. It was Hilarious.

Sydney was a great sport about the whole day being about Alex. Alex was an awesome sister and she even bought Sydney a doll like hers, with her very own birthday money so they could play together.

Alex was a happy camper once Daddy came to spend time with her. She's hard at work, even on her birthday.

Alex had so much fun with her friends at lunch. We got tons of video and pictures. She loved introducing her Dad to everyone. She was so happy. I still can't believe our little Punkin is 6!!

We all ate lunch together in the cafeteria. It was loud, rowdy, and exciting. Not very many parents come to school to eat lunch with their kids so it was a treat for all the kids.
We spent the evening as a family. It was so nice. No crazy party to plan, no decorations to buy, no major clean up was needed at the end of the day. It was quite enjoyable. I think we should have a party like this one every year. Clay helped Alex put together a movie using all the video and pictures. The Movie has the song Barbie Girl by Aqua as the theme music. It just fit! She had so much fun making it with Dad. I have to say, Clay was awesome. I'm so impressed lately by him. He's become the husband and father I always knew he could be! You rock Husband, we love you! Happy Birthday Alex!!!!
This was my favorite picture of the day. I love the way her little foot is cocked. You may think she is posing but she's not. The little miss priss stands like this a lot!
One of her favorite birthday presents. Her Huly Hoop (as she calls it). Nana gave it to her. We even got Daddy and Papa in on the Hula Hooping. It was Hilarious.
Sydney was a great sport about the whole day being about Alex. Alex was an awesome sister and she even bought Sydney a doll like hers, with her very own birthday money so they could play together.
Alex was a happy camper once Daddy came to spend time with her. She's hard at work, even on her birthday.
Alex had so much fun with her friends at lunch. We got tons of video and pictures. She loved introducing her Dad to everyone. She was so happy. I still can't believe our little Punkin is 6!!
We all ate lunch together in the cafeteria. It was loud, rowdy, and exciting. Not very many parents come to school to eat lunch with their kids so it was a treat for all the kids.
posted for your blog stalking enjoyment by
Roxy Dozier
7:03 PM
1 blog addicts have left me some lovin!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
We survived, my poor wallet did not.
The Boutique was awesome. There was so much cute stuff. I just mention the word boutique and my wallet (not to mention my husband) start crying and screaming NOOOOOOO! I had a very hard time staying within my planned budget, but some how I managed to do just that.

I have to plug for my Sister in-law Amy.The bags (pictured below) were so cute. I have one and I love it!! The things I liked the most were the hair clips. These are not just ordinary hair clips. They don't slip, the patterns and flowers were so modern and hip. The cutest colors ever!! The fuzzy blankets were ADORABLE. They almost made me want to have a baby or two just so I could buy one! You can see the blankets and bags and other things on her blog

I couldn't leave without one of these bags. I got one as my new purse. Love it!! I also got Sydney a scripture bag for her birthday next month. She'll just love it I know it!

I got one of these jars. This was one thing I just couldn't live without. You change the ribbons every month to go along with that holiday or season. Thanks Aunt Bev!! I can't wait to see what cute stuff there is next year. I think Janell is having one in December. I am soooooo there. I've already started saving my money!$!$!$
posted for your blog stalking enjoyment by
Roxy Dozier
7:01 AM
blog addicts have left me some lovin!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
If you're having fun, you must be at the fair!!
We had so much fun at the State Fair! It was just what we needed to complete our fun filled Fall Break. We went with Grandma and Grandpa Wing to celebrate the girls birthday. This is one present they are sure not to soon forget. The girls absolutely loved it. Knowing that they were having sooooo much fun made the heat, expensive food and drinks, and all the walking worth it.

Sydney drove her bumper car in circles. Either she couldn't get the hang of it or she takes after her mom in the driving skills area. Alex did awesome. She was ramming everyone!

The girls got 3 free rides for reading 3 books and doing mini book reports on them. I tried to get them to go on the expensive rides for free. All they wanted was a chance to ride on the Merry Go Round ( one of the cheapest rides), it was one of their favorites. Alex's favorite ride was the Hydro Slide. It was a log ride through the water! It was almost as good as splash mountain. Sydney's favorite ride was the Safari Car in the Jungle area. They stayed on those cars the longest. My favorite ride was the Crazy Coaster. It looked like it was going to be a slow little kiddie ride. It turned out to be a fast, violent, spinning, thrashing, fun filled ride. Grandma's back is still recovering!

I'm so glad the fair had Slurpee's. It just wouldn't have been as much fun without the girls teeth and tongues being red and blue!
This was a few from the biggest and highest Ferris Wheel. It was awesome!!
This was a view of the midway from the Air Tram. It was like a ski lift. I didn't look around much. I was trying to concentrate on not letting my flip flop fall off!
posted for your blog stalking enjoyment by
Roxy Dozier
6:52 AM
blog addicts have left me some lovin!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Get Ready, Here We Come!
Today was the last day for me to house sit. I had a fun, relaxing, and very quiet time. I read all of Breaking Dawn while I was there. I'm very sad the saga is over but I was not disappointed in the book at all. I loved that while I was gone Clay was able to keep the kids entertained, fed, bathed, and very happy. Alex did cry for me a few nights but Daddy was able to handle it. Coming home to a nice clean kitchen and the dishes done was a major plus!! The girls said they stayed up till Midnight playing video games with Daddy. Midnight, yeah right! It was probably till 8 or 9 but to them it felt like Midnight. Clay asked me if the kids told me what time they went to bed. I said yes and laughed. They REALLY did stay up that late playing games with him. HMMMM.........Daddy must have forgotten when their bed time was. Good thing he wasn't being paid to babysit, he would have gotten docked for that one!
We're packing for our next adventure! Boutique here we come. We're excited to see everyone in the valley, to shop, to hang out, and to get caught up. To laugh, to enjoy one another but most of all, have some fun! Everyone needs a little girl time. We'll see ya when we get there!!
Fall is soon to be in the air and that means it's Boutique time! Save the dates and mark your calendars!Oct. 16, 17 & 18 at my Aunt's home. 3745 E Hopi Ave. Mesa. Thurs. and Fri., 10AM to 7 PM Sat. 10 AM to 5PM.
All kinds of holiday craft items, home decor items, one of a kind shabby chic and lots, lots more. My Uncle Hoke will be in the kitchen making homemade green chili burros and salsa by the jar. Homemade holiday treats and all kinds of goodies. You won't want to miss this. Look for the TATTERED LADIES signs directing you to the Fun!
We're packing for our next adventure! Boutique here we come. We're excited to see everyone in the valley, to shop, to hang out, and to get caught up. To laugh, to enjoy one another but most of all, have some fun! Everyone needs a little girl time. We'll see ya when we get there!!
Fall is soon to be in the air and that means it's Boutique time! Save the dates and mark your calendars!Oct. 16, 17 & 18 at my Aunt's home. 3745 E Hopi Ave. Mesa. Thurs. and Fri., 10AM to 7 PM Sat. 10 AM to 5PM.
All kinds of holiday craft items, home decor items, one of a kind shabby chic and lots, lots more. My Uncle Hoke will be in the kitchen making homemade green chili burros and salsa by the jar. Homemade holiday treats and all kinds of goodies. You won't want to miss this. Look for the TATTERED LADIES signs directing you to the Fun!
posted for your blog stalking enjoyment by
Roxy Dozier
9:04 AM
blog addicts have left me some lovin!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Love of my life Tag!

LOL, ok I guess I should really thank Amy for this. I also saw it on Chalice's blog but I always take things from hers so I decided not to do it. Besides, she didn't tag me. Now I see Amy has done it. You know Roxy, she has to be like everyone else. So I too, am now stealing the tag.
What is your Husbands name: Clayton
How long have you been married: 10 1/2 years but it still feels like it was just yesterday.
How long did you date: Almost exactly a year and 2 months.
How old is he: 33....he'll get his senior discount a whole 4 years before me.......HAHA
Who eats more sweets: He eats more in Reese's Peanut Butter cups but I eat more Ice Cream
Who said I love you first: It went like this....Roxy: I like your shirt Clay. Clay: I love you too! Roxy: Wait what did you say??!! Clay: I love you Roxy. Awwww I still get chills!
Who is taller: Clay and Sydney definitely is taking after him!
Who is the better singer:Clay in Spanish, me in the car.
Who smarter: Clay in just about everything but house work and spelling.
Who does the laundry: Me, I'm very picky about my laundry almost to the point of being obsessive compulsive
Who pays the bills: I did for the longest time but just recently we started doing it together, I actually like doing it now!
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed: Clay always has
Who mows the lawn: I do because of his allergies but he does use the weed eater occasionally
Who cooks the dinner: I do but he's always willing to if the need be.
Who drives: Him, I have a hard time going the speed limit and he doesn't like that
Who is the first to say they are wrong: Me, only him when he actually is wrong which is never!!
Who kissed who first: Clay kissed me.........woohoo!!
Who asked who out : He had his little sister ask me out,(thanks Tara for introducing me to my eternal companion) news to me he even liked me :)
Who wears the pants: He does but when he's gone I like to play dress up!
Now, I tag all the people reading this that haven't done it yet! Thanks Amy and Chalice that was fun!
posted for your blog stalking enjoyment by
Roxy Dozier
10:42 AM
1 blog addicts have left me some lovin!

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Out to lunch!
Yay for me!! I talked Clay into letting me get book 4. Well not really. When I was in Benson for the game I made my mom take me to Walmart so I could buy it. Then when I got home I told Clay I had bought it. He was not happy with that, but I explained I had to house sit until Wed. and I would need something to do besides clean and play with animals. He would be home with the kids so it wasn't like I was going to neglect anyone! Plus being in a new house at night with the different creaks! I needed a good distraction. I'll have to try really hard to pace myself and make the 756 pages last until Wednesday. We'll see how strong I am. So as for the rest of the world, you're on your own until I finish the book! I'm out to lunch and I'm going to enjoy it. Have a great fall break everyone, see ya in a week or so!!! Thanks Clay for being so nice about my ya!!

posted for your blog stalking enjoyment by
Roxy Dozier
10:27 AM
blog addicts have left me some lovin!

Saturday, October 11, 2008
Homecoming and Reunions!
Friday night was Benson's Homecoming game. This year they played Bisbee. At the half the score was 14 to 0, Benson winning. Go bobcats! We went VERY early so we could get a good seat, you know the seats at the very top of the bleachers with the back rest. Anyways, we saved our seats at about 5:30 pm and the game didn't start until 7:00PM. It was cloudy and you could see lightning in the distance. I had brought an umbrella but decided to leave it in the car. Instead of having water protection, I stuffed my purse full of food to sneak in the game. Kids......don't follow your mother's example!
Oh, the Bobcat. This brought back some wild and crazy memories. I was trying to explain what I did when I was the Bobcat in High School to the kids. I was telling Alex I would lead the crowd in the wave. She says, doesn't everyone know how to wave, and she waves her hand. They didn't get it until the game started, what exactly the Bobcat did. Good for Benson they got a new mascot uniform. The one I had was ancient and smelled horrible!
So, since mommy and Nana were more worried about eating than water protection we got soaked. Good thing for us papa came with his wallet and bought a Benson Bobcat umbrella from the booster club. The Booster club sold out of umbrellas before the first half was over! My kids were so mad I brought food instead of our umbrella.
That little minor lapse in my judgement didn't dampen their spirits though. They were excited, a little cold, but very happy to be running around playing with other kids in the rain!
It was also Will's 10 year reunion. I have to say ours was way WAY better, Thanks Janell!! We waited around in the rain for half time. We wanted to cheer Uncle Will on when they called him onto the track. We waited and waited. All the announcer said was, Welcome the class of 99. The End. All that rain and waiting for that! I was a little upset. They didn't even go down to the track, the class just mingled down at the bottom of the bleachers. Good thing I didn't come from far away to support Uncle Will. I'm sure I'll hear an earful when I get to work next Monday on how I didn't sit with Bisbee. Go Bobcats!

posted for your blog stalking enjoyment by
Roxy Dozier
2:50 PM
blog addicts have left me some lovin!

Thursday, October 9, 2008
Once Bitten
I know I know Sara! You told me so. I saw Twilight at Walmart one day and it was only seven dollars and I was bored out of my head so I decided to buy it. I kept hearing how great it was. Once I saw so many of my friends so completely addicted to it, I gave in. Everybody is doing it! The first night I stayed up way past my bed time. I was at my parents house, my dad even got up about 1 Am just to make sure nothing was wrong. I finished twilight the next night. Lucky for me I bought Full Moon (the second book) at the same time. I tried to pace myself this time. I was only going to read a half hour a day on my lunch break. No such luck, within three days of starting Full Moon I was done.
I didn't have the third book, Eclipse, and had no plans to go to Sierra Vista or Douglas. I couldn't make the trip just for that! Clay decided to run to work Sunday and turn in some paper work. I begged him to buy me the third book. I had to promise to only read on my lunch hour. I did. WOW, did I fail miserably. I started reading as soon as he got home with it. The next day I read as soon as I could, whenever I could. I stayed up until 3:45 Am, too bad for me the alarm goes off at 4:30Am. I was a zombie at school that day! I finished yesterday. Clay was a bit upset and said I had to wait for Christmas for the fourth book Breaking Dawn. I hope he is kidding!! I've been trying to keep the house extra clean, make extra yummy dinners, and nag way way less. He's going to change his mind right? Even my kids don't want me to get the next book! My family is no longer a Twilight fan, I however am the president of Twilight addicts R us! I don't think I have the willpower to hold out until Christmas. I mean, Sara lives up the street, she'd let me borrow it for free, inappropriate parts and all. Right Sara! No, No, NO, I'm going to be good, I'll stick it out and prove to him I can be strong, or just cry and whine, and throw a tantrum until he gives in and buys it for me. It'll give me something to look forward to. I guess I'll go to bed now, maybe try to catch up on my sleep. I'm just glad I'm not the only addict out there!
Once again Chalice, I copied your excellent photos for my blog. I just want to be cool like you! I liked your Breaking Dawn post. You didn't ruin anything for those of us who haven't read it yet! Thanks!! Thanks a lot to all my GOOD friends that got me hooked on the books, you better hope you don't run into Clay or he may just give you an ear full on why I can't hang out with you anymore, and maybe even ground me from coming out to play!! :)

posted for your blog stalking enjoyment by
Roxy Dozier
9:20 PM
blog addicts have left me some lovin!

The Big Game!
This is sooo late but I finaly had time to upload the video. The original was huge, the quality isn't as great but I would have never gotten it uploaded otherwise~
Sydney was so excited to cheer on Friday night. My mom came down to watch and believe it or not Clay was home in time to go to the game with us.
Alex was very supportive and loved learning the cheers too. On the way home she was a little sad. I think she felt a little left out, maybe even a little tired since it was so late. Nana stayed the night, so that helped our little punkin feel better!
Sydeny loved dancing and cheering with her friends! She did a great job!
The High School cheereleaders were amazing. They had so much ebergy and they were so positive to the kids. The kids peformed after just two days of practise. They all did great. The game however is another story. When we left at half time at 9:00pm, the score was Bisbee 3, Showlow 45 hmmmmmmmmmm.....wonder how it turned out??

Sydney was so excited to cheer on Friday night. My mom came down to watch and believe it or not Clay was home in time to go to the game with us.
posted for your blog stalking enjoyment by
Roxy Dozier
1:30 PM
1 blog addicts have left me some lovin!

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